Hi Friends! Remember I promised to do research on whether catholics are saved? (Since my boss not around today... heheheh...)
It was very interesting to read about the views on this from various Christian denominations, even from Catholics' point of view too. Now before I go on, I would like to say that, when I say Catholics here, I am referring to traditional Catholics. Traditional, of course, does not mean OLD, but if you are a Christian, you will know what I mean.
So since this topic concerns Catholics and their salvation, why don't we look at what Catholics say about that huh?
When I read some Catholic sites teaching Catholics how to answer that question, I was indeed very amused. One site talked about being saved in the past, present and future, that salvation is a dynamic thingy... LOL And no mentioning of what you had done, that is to confessed with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believed in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). The Word of God says that you are saved when you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. Believing that He died for your sins. But all that site mentioned was that since Christ died (for our sins) while we were still sinners, I mean, that is true, but if you NEVER accepted Him, then, the fact that knowing Christ died (for our sins) while we were still sinners doesn't grant you salvation. I mean, even the Devil knows that. And some people from other religions might know that too. And even if they don't, that statement doesn't make them saved. If you never DID anything, knowing or not knowing that statement does NOT make you saved, or else everyone in the world are saved. How ridiculous can that be? And the fact that salvation is dynamic??? LOL Come ON! Once saved, always saved... heard of that before? If you have accepted Him and put your faith in Him once before, you DON'T have to do it again to get saved. Christ don't have to die again and again for your salvation. I think why the site talked about present salvation and future salvation is because of one of Catholic's beliefs is that faith alone in Christ is not sufficient for salvation. The official position of the Roman Catholic Church is that a person must believe in Jesus Christ AND be baptized AND receive the Eucharist (their version of Communion) along with the other sacraments AND obey the decrees of the Roman Catholic Church (coming from the Pope, of course) AND perform meritorious works (beginning with baptism, receiving the sacraments, confession of sin to a priest, etc.) AND not die with any mortal sins AND etc., etc., etc. to be saved. Wah lau eh!!! Like that die lor... Who can be saved then??? Any claim that WORKS or RITUALS must be added to FAITH in order for salvation to be achieved is a claim that Jesus’ death was not sufficient to fully purchase our salvation. Besides, it is interesting to note that many rituals and beliefs of the Catholic church are not in line with the Word of God. For example apostolic succession, worship of saints or Mary, prayer to saints or Mary, the Pope / Papacy, transubstantiation (μετουσίωσις), plenary indulgences, the sacramental system, and purgatory. While Catholics claim Scriptural support for these concepts, none of these teachings have any solid foundation in the clear teaching of Scripture. These concepts are based on Catholic tradition, not the Word of God. In fact, they all clearly contradict Biblical principles. Roman Catholics know about Christ, but do not know Him personally, therefore they are trying to work their way to Him. Roman Catholicism is essentially a religion of works and not of grace as taught in the Scriptures. After reading "But How ARE Catholics Saved? from the Catechism of the Catholic Church", I still don't know, if I am still an unbeliever, HOW or WHAT I should DO (the first step), to be saved. Too confusing and too many things... And it's interesting to find that Mary had such a high standing in a Roman Catholic belief - almost equal to Christ as a co-Redeemer and Intercessor for our sins! WHAT THE! Can you believe that? And some Catholics even believe that WITHOUT Mary, they CANNOT be saved! That's totally way off man... I mean, what did the Word of God say in Acts 4:12??? No OTHER name... and what about John 14:6??? No one comes to the Father except through Me (Jesus). It just saddens me that this man-made system, or church if you can call it one, is driving people away from a rich and fulfilling personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. I just wonder how many Catholics actually made it to heaven. Of course, I am not just trying to hit at one wrong practice. There are many others, like Methodist, Baptist, and cults. But why the focus on Catholics? Because it is the world's BIGGEST religion. According to the Statistical Yearbook of the Church, the Catholic Church's worldwide recorded membership at the end of 2005 was 1,114,966,000, approximately one-sixth of the world's population at that time.

Thank God for Martin Luther, with his 95 Theses, started the Reformation and Protestantism. Did you know what did the Catholic Church call him? A drunken German, but never successfully responded or refuted his 95 Theses. Isn't it sad when man decides to take things into their own hands, when, by right, there should be only ONE denomination, ONE church.